

The main goal of the project is to provide training for teachers, educators, trainers and tutors through a specific pedagogical programme. As a result of this, they will be able to become “Job Trainers for People with intellectual disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders” or tutors to support their inclusion in the open labour market in Europe.



Employment is essential to enhance the inclusion and full participation of people with disabilities in the society. It is also beneficial for companies that can use their skills.
The project will foster the development of better conditions for the employability of people with disabilities. The job placement programme will also offer people with disabilities a concrete opportunity to experience employment in the open labour market and to be included in a company.



At the end of the training course the job trainer will be able to:

  • Assess the needs and potentials of an individual according to  his/her disability, in relation to the work placement.
  • Identify and select the hosting work context, which will match the expectations, potential and sensory features of the individual with a disability, while identifying the companies’ goals and analyzing the required skills/abilities.
  • Strengthen soft skills and abilities (eg: social interaction/communication, logical/mathematical) and technical/professional skills which are useful to be placed in the hosting work context;
  • Manage and foster the job placement of the individual with a disability in the company, supporting each step of this process.



The Job Trainers should acquire a set of “Units of Competencies”.
The training course structure is divided into several Training Units, with an overall duration of 260 hours. The training path will be divided between classroom theory and a practical traineeship.
The traineeship will give participants/trainees the opportunity to put the classroom theory into practice. Each trainee will be responsible for a person with Autism Spectrum Disorders who is willing to experience a job placement in the open labour market.



The project is funded with the support of the European Commission, under the Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci, Multi-lateral projects of Transfer of Innovation.


What and where DO we transfer?

We transfer the “Job trainer” programme, which has already been implemented in Italy in 2012 by Centro Servizi PMI, following an initiative of AUT AUT, a local association of families of people with autism. The programme has also been implemented by AUSL of Reggio Emilia, Province of Reggio Emilia, Municipality of Reggio Emilia,  thanks to the funding granted by Provincia di Reggio Emilia.

The programme will be transferred to:

  • Austria
  • Malta
  • Turkey
  • Spain

The partners involved in the project are:


The project will be monitored by Cyberall Access (Greece).

October 2013- September 2015