Centro Servizi PMI (Service Centre for SMEs) is a private training organization that has branches throughout Emilia Romagna Region (NUTS 2 coverage) employing 54  people as staff. It belongs to Unindustria–  Association of Enterprises located in Reggio Emilia, Emilia Romagna Region.

We  carry out at regional level research and surveys within companies in order to detect managerial skills required to manage the requirements of Innovation.


We operate in cooperation with industries, universities, research centres, Public Administration and schools.

Our expertise are: training needs analysis, consultancy, training to develop higher-level managerial skills, research activity, in-company & inter-company training, post-certificate & post-degree training, accredited post-certificate high technical professional qualifications, individual training, enterprise internships.

We design and develop, organize and deliver training and consultancy actions addressing entrepreneurs, managers, workers and young people in order to adapt their professionalism to organizational & technological change.


Centro Servizi PMI have long experience within European funded  Projects, both as applicant and as partner, covering the following EU Programmes: LLP Leonardo DOI and TOI,SocratesGrundtvig, Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs, Equal, Mobility of workers, Phare, R3L.


Contact Person:

eMail: rossella.brindani@cspmi.unindustriareggioemilia.it
Tel: +39 0522 409801